Sunday, November 14, 2010


It was one of those days that just shook my world.

Kagrra, announced that they're going to meet their demise. Their last live is for next March. The members' blogs will close down at the end of this month.

Somehow or other, I feel like this was going to happen. They stopped doing Kagrra, no Su video blog. And also, the designs on their albums covers changed. I have to say that I took notice of that first from the Shiki album covers... like as much as the girls still only have one eye showing, their face looked different. It was emphasized by the fact that the girl on Shiroi Uso did NOT have the red mark under here eye. But she reminds me of the girl from San. Hm. :/

But like, I'm starting to recover from it. I understand that I would never have the opportunity to see them perform live. (how can I afford college AND go to Japan in the middle of the school year?) As much as I fantasize that they would go have a live in the US (NY area preferably) that would never happen. I just want to say to the people that are going to the last live to enjoy it for the people that could not attend. Even if I'm just hoping... no, I KNOW that their music during that day would transcend time and space and reach my ears.

Acknowledge the fact that Kagrra, is just that irreplaceable. I'll continue to mourn. But I'm happy that there are lots of people, Auga, that support each other through this rough time. It's funny how I would have never met these people if it weren't for Kagrra,.

I was just watching their PVs and the DVDs, and I was wondering how people so united and happy decide to separate. But good things always come to an end, and I shouldn't be the one complaining. Kagrra, gave me so much, and I can't wait until a friend of mine send our fan project. Even if I won't get to see their reactions to it (b/c they won't have a blog), I hope that they look at the instruments that I made and feel just how much effort I put into making each and every single one of them.

(It would've been cool is Akiya took a photo of it with his hand doing a peace sign (like all his other photos) but I guess that won't be the case. >>")

I just have to say though, while I'm not one of the people scrambling to get tickets to the last live, I'm still going to buy a couple of things. One would be the last album. I can't seem to find Urei anywhere. I would really want that single, since Urei was the first song that I ever heard by them.

Here. My two favorite PVs.

